Team Bio

The team is composed of three undergraduate students at UC Davis. Each student is of a different academic discipline, but all share an interest in using biological concepts and methods for human centered design. Over the span of about 20 weeks, the team has researched, expiremented, and prototyped a design that counteracts the negative effects of vinyl production, BacterFilter.

Nancy Ng

Nancy is a 2nd year student in chemical engineering. She joined the team in hopes of designing a product with sustainable and environmentally friendly materials to reduce the impact of waste on the environment. Her interests include sustainable living, traveling, and cooking.


Emily Shaw

Emily is a 4th year student in design, emphasizing in interior architecture, with plans to go on to study architecture in graduate school. She's interested in designing sustainable, interactive communities through the use of biotech and biological principles.

Jia Tan

Jia is a 3rd year undergraduate student majoring in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior. She likes to work with bacteria. Bacteria is cool.

Team Photo